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What to expect from my class


My goal is for you to experience what you need. This is personal. You may need some exercise; some anxiety relief; some energy; some space; some kindness; a challenge or to get out of the house. As long as it helps.  The class will have a friendly, welcoming atmosphere.


"A flower doesn't think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms." Zen Shin 


"Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees" B.K.S Iyengar


Mixed ability / beginners classes


All classes are Hatha Yoga which is a slower place than Vinyasa flow yoga. Each posture is explained and demonstrated to ensure safe alignment. In Hatha yoga there is time to recover after each posture, so can be less strenuous than a Vinyasa flow class. During the yoga classes we will cover yoga basics. Such as standing poses; balance; forward bends; heart openers; hip openers; twists and a lot more. It will be ideal for those who are new to yoga or who prefer the slower pace of Hatha yoga. There will also be breathing and relaxation so there is time for the body to restore. There may be a 'theme' to each class based on Yoga philosophy which can make the class more meaningful. If you have any injuries please let me know so I can accommodate your safe practice. 


What to bring / wear?


Blocks, straps and light blankets will be provided. Avoid eating a heavy meal 4 hours before a class. Light meals around 1-2 hours before a class. Bring water if needed as it is fine to drink small sips of water during the class. 


An example class - see photos


A brief introduction to the class. This will include the theme of the class. Examples - self care; grounding; surrender; balance and harmony; heart opening; concentration; letting go.


Settling the mind and focusing on your breath.


Joint mobility work preparing the joints and muscles for the postures.


Preparation movements to prepare certain muscles.


Progressing to a mixture of mat work and standing poses to increase strength and stamina. 


There will be rest periods or what is known as ‘counter poses’ during the class. They often work opposing muscles but more gently. It also gives the body a chance to rest and create balance in the body. 


Breath work will always be included throughout the class.


Nearer the end of the class we will work on more flexibility / and or restorative postures.


Finally, Savasana which is the final resting pose. Here you can relax and recharge.


I will listen to student’s feedback and accommodate where possible.





Accessible yoga ​ Yoga is accessible for all. Even if you haven’t tried yoga before I’ll explain and demonstrate in an understandable way. Yoga can be simple. There will be modifications for all postures as it’s important to work with your body. I’ll encourage you to work safely and within your own limits. In the past I’ve made mistakes from my pushing myself too hard. I’ve learned from my mistakes. As a teacher I will guide you in a safe but encouraging way. There will always be props (blocks) available as these are a fantastic way to practice safely. Everyone is welcome and I’ll foster a friendly, inclusive environment where you’ll feel safe and comfortable. ​

Monday Class at the Cornerstone 

£7 yoga class Monday 4.30pm-5.30pm Cornerstone Hove, yoga with Sally
£7 drop in yoga class Cornerstone Hove, yoga with Sally
£7 yoga class Cornerstone Hove, yoga with Sally
£5 drop in yoga class Cornerstone Hove, yoga with Sally
£5 drop in yoga class Cornerstone Hove, yoga with Sally
£5 drop in yoga class Cornerstone Hove, yoga with Sally
£5 drop in yoga class Cornerstone Hove, yoga with Sally
£5 drop in yoga class Cornerstone Hove, yoga with Sally
£5 drop in yoga class Cornerstone Hove, yoga with Sally
£5 drop in yoga class Cornerstone Hove, yoga with Sally
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